Happy Holidays!

First I want to apologize for this unedited blog. My editor and good friend Teri Couch is celebrating the holidays. I am dyslexic so please be kind and just hear the words and not see the imperfections!


I remember some 23 years ago our son was scheduled for his second open heart surgery. He was ten years old and in the 5th grade. As I stood waiting him to come out of school, one of the mothers approached me.

She had tears in her eyes and said, please come with me to my car. She explained that she had felt so bad for our family, and could not imagine what we were going through.

So… she had made us a weeks worth of meals! I remember being so overwhelmed by this act of kindness. At that moment I felt so validated, that this mother had the courage to walk in my shoes for a few moments that afternoon.

Helen Skovran

Happy Holidays from,
Serving individuals, children and families since 1997.

PS, Thank you Deb F.

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